Man Lee has registered with the following authorities and institutions for various licenses in HK,


Hong Kong Fire Services Department

Ventilating System – Annual Inspection Certificate

  1. (Regulation 6, Cap.132CE, Ventilating of Scheduled Premises, Laws of Hong Kong)
  2. Building ( Ventilating Systems )
    (Regulation 5A, Cap.123J, Building (Ventilating Systems), Laws of Hong Kong)

Certificate of Fire Services Installation & Equipment – FS251


Class I, II & III Fire Services Installation & Equipment
(Regulation 9, Chapter 95B, Fire Service (Installation and Equipment), Laws of Hong Kong


Electrical & Mechanical Services Department – EMSD

Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electricity Wiring – Form WR2

(Chapter 406, Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, Laws of Hong Kong)


FOC ( Form of Compliance ) – Buildings Energy Efficiency

(Chapter 610, Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance, Regulation 18, Laws of Hong Kong)