Our Experience is ready for you

Man Lee provides a full range of service including tailor-made packages to suit individual need. Scope of service is includes:-


Design and installation

1. Design and installation of energy saving Electrical, Air Conditioning & Ventilation systems.

2. Design and installation of Fire Service Equipment (Class I, II & III) and plumbing systems.


Licence application

Application for restaurant, club house, food factory and hotel licence.

Inspection & Certification

1. Hong Kong Fire Services Department

Ventilating System – Annual Inspection Certificate.

1. Ventilation of Scheduled Premises Regulation
(Regulation 6, Cap.132CE, Ventilating of Scheduled Premises, Laws of Hong Kong)

2. Building ( Ventilating Systems )
(Regulation 5A, Cap.123J, Building (Ventilating Systems), Laws of Hong Kong)

Certificate of Fire Services Installation & Equipment – FS251.

Class I, II & III Fire Services Installation & Equipment
(Regulation 9, Chapter 95B, Fire Service (Installation and Equipment), Laws of Hong Kong)

2. Electrical & Mechanical Services Department – EMSD

Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electricity Wiring – Form WR2
(Chapter 406, Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, Laws of Hong Kong)

FOC ( Form of Compliance ) – Buildings Energy Efficiency
(Chapter 610, Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance, Regulation 18, Laws of Hong Kong)

Energy Audit and Technical Consultancy.

Buildings Energy Efficiency Audit Services under Hong Kong SAR Government Ordinance, Chapter 610, Buildings Energy Efficient Ordinance.

Buildings Department – Minor Works

Design and build / consultation of Class I, II & III minor works under Hong Kong SAR Government, Buildings Ordinance Chapter 123N (Minor Works) Regulation.

Our Projects

What We Do?